Red Bobblehead Bunny

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Red Gym Shorts & White Snake Shorts - Coming on 15th of March

Hey guys!

One of the most top voted items is coming to vantage the : Red Gym Shorts " and the " White Snake Shorts".


Germ Busters - March 13, 2014

Hey guys!!
There is a New Event!!!

( My sister (Mypugandme) and I are gonna write this entry.)

It's called Germ Busters!!!

 Let's get started!

1. Go to Orion's

2. You need to get any of these items:


3. Move around to heal yourself, including other people to get medals and level up

4. Trust me you will level ALOT

thank you for reading!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Magical Wand- March 11, 2014

Hey guys!
Today I'm gonna talk about the magical wand.

So you know lucky bots:
There is a new special prize!!

Its a magical wand!!

See that princess lady in the middle?

Her wand is the magical wand.

Well if you want this wand that can stretch and make you huge then follow these steps

WARNING: This is a waste of ecoins!!! You can get the wand or you can get an really ugly item like this one:

1. Go to downtown

2. Click the robot

3. This will appear

4. Click the big buy button

5. Test your luck

( Ive done lucky bot before and i got something i didn't want at all!!)

Thanks for reading!!!

How to get into Dr. Finkelsteins Lab

Hey guys! I thought i would show you how to get into Dr. Finkelstein's Lab in Fantage!
Lets get started first go to the lighthouse

Now look at the sign

 On top of the thing that says lighthouse it says these symbol
Mine is prism star and circle but it could be in a different order.

Now look at the boat

Now look at the pattern you had on the light house sign
on the boat type in your pattern

( Click on the little symbols in the order of your pattern on the sign)

The bush will move away

click the circle 

click it and you will travel

and now you're there!!!!


Monday, March 3, 2014

How to look like Marilyn Monroe

Hey Guys,
Today Im gonna show you how to look like  Marilyn Monroe!!

Lets Start!


Hair: Charity Hair, I hate the little heart on it, so just cover it up:

Outfit: Red Ball Grown or the Flowing Creme Dress

shoes: Mysterious Dark Shoes

Final Outfit:

You can pair it up with some accessories or earrings 

Make Up


Here is an edit i made for this outfit:

( it took me about 45 minutes, since i used pixlr i had to erase the background.)

~ Mamanme4ever ~

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cupcake Conundrum- Feb 13, 2014

Hey Guys!
There is a new event!
Its called cupcake conundrum( conundrum? )

You can gift friends!

You can watch the new event videos
Here is the link:

Part 2: isn't out yet

Get Limited Items!

They are all so cute!

Go to the carnival and...


Go in to the fountain and you'll come out looking like


while your at carnival go to the prize booth
Go back to downtown and go to star cafe
There are two games
Cupcake Chaos 2
Frosting Fuss

They are both so fun 

You can also make a Valentines Card!

 click it and you will be able to design your own card!

So thats all! Bye guys!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fantage Missions- Who broke Top-Models

Hey guys here is a post on how to do the mission who broke top models

 Go talk to Officer Russel in front of Top Models

Now go into top models building and look for clues

on the right bottom corner you should find a tiny rock

its so small!

Click it and

Go talk to officer Russel again

After you talk to officer Russel go to the wizards domain

Talk to the girl Wizard

The wizard girl will need ingredients to help her

First go to the beach

Near Palm's Dance Club you will find the Pink coconut

Now go to the carnival
Near Putt Putt you will find the yellow flowers

Now go to creature area
Near Creature Shop you will find the mushrooms

Now go back to the wizard girl

The wizard girl will say he's standing outside of the grotto
( He is really in front of Lucky Bobs )

When you start talking to him he magically disappears

Go back to the wizard girl

Tell her you will give her punch and pie if she helps you.

To get the punch go to the beach
The punch is near the life guard

To get the pie go to the Star Cafe
 Now go back to the wizard girl

Now you will need a net so go to the creature area into the creature shop

Now go back to the wizard girl

She wants to meet you at the grotto
( they are really in front of  lucky bobs )

Once you get there the wizard girl will already have captured the gnome

Now talk to the wizard girl and she tells you to go to officer russel

Now you get the medal!

Thank you for reading Bye!